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Welcome to New Jersey Center of Dance!

We are a state of the art dance facility dedicated to the "Art of Dance".  There are many changes that we have all been presented with this year.  One thing that will not change is our dedication to our dancers.  From our experience during summer classes and dance camp, it was obvious that this challenging time has only made NJCOD and our dancers stronger.  We are so excited for our new dance season to begin.  Credit cards are required for registration, if that is a problem, please contact the billing department at Charges will be posted to your credit card, after your registration has been reviewed and discounts applied , if applicable. You will be notified by email within 24-48 hours of the charges.



Tuition & Registration Policy

Payments are made in 10 monthly payments or in full (discount applies) at time of registration. 


Tuition is due on the 1st of the month (Sept-May).  June is collected upon registration.


Registration/Insurance Fee: $35.00 per family.

Drop-in-Rate: $20.00


Auto credit card payments are only accepted, unless discussed otherwise.  

Credit Cards: Mastercard – Visa – Discover


Even though we permit monthly tuition payments and our families pay by the month, your tuition rates are based on a yearly (10 month, 35 week) tuition scale, which includes NJCOD being closed certain holidays of the year. 


The above breakdown of class tuition rates is for your information only - NJCOD does not allow pro-rating of classes for absences or holidays.  We do not offer make-ups for holidays since your annual rate does not include holidays. 


NJCOD will follow, in most cases, the Old Bridge and Monroe school calendar.  Regardless of the length of the month, tuition remains the same. 


If a Pre-School dancer is not ready to participate in a class after a 4 week trial period you will be released from your contract.  June tuition will not be refunded which is equal to 4 weeks of class. No additional tuition will be charged to your account.  Registration fee is Non-refundable.


Late Fees:

  • A $25.00 late fee will be charged for payments received after the 15th of the month.

  • All declined Credit Cards will incur a $35.00 charge for reprocessing with a 48 hour grace period to update your Credit Card info beginning on the 1st of the month.

  • A fee of $35.00 will be charged for all returned checks.


NJCOD will not send out statements unless payment is late.  You can check your account online at anytime.



Please go to our website – for Holiday closings.




Withdrawing  From A Class


NJCOD has a strict “no refund” policy, but you may withdraw from a class at anytime forfeiting all payments already made, including registration and costume fees. 


Note: If you withdraw, you will receive your costume (if paid in full) and only if ALL original tuition and fees have been paid. 


When withdrawing please email:


Please note: Classes and schedule are subject to change and may be cancelled depending on enrollment.




Attendance and Make-Up Policy

Regular attendance is crucial to the continued development of the student. 


Please Note: NJCOD has a “no refund” policy for missed classes.  Classes missed for any reason may be made-up within 30 days in another class.  Please inquire at the front desk as to the class, day and time for your dancer’s make-up.




Inclement Weather Policy

As a general rule, we follow the decisions of the Monroe Board of Education when it comes to weather cancellations.  If the public schools are closed or dismissed  early, we will be closed.  If there is a delayed opening we will be open.  On occasion we must overrule the school system if conditions near the studio are unsafe. 


Notifications will be sent by email and can be found on our website and Facebook.




Annual Production and Costume Policy

We hold an Annual Production each year.  Each dance number a student is in will require a costume.  Participation in the Annual Production is mandatory, except for designated non-performance classes.  Attendance at Dress Rehearsal is also mandatory.


A production fee of $75 per student will be charged on our Costume Order Form and will include a Performance T-Shirt to be worn in our show Finale along with a digital copy of the end of the year performance.  


If applicable parents are responsible to purchase required footwear to go with the costume.


NJCOD is not responsible for alterations to a dancer’s costume or for minor defects caused by the costume company.



Child Small – Child Medium: $90.00

Child Large – Adult: $110.00



All family members and guests will need a ticket for the show including children over the age of 4. 

Show tickets will be sold prior to the performance date TBA.

All tickets are non-refundable and non-exchangeable.




Dancer’s Code of Conduct

  • For your safety there is NO gum chewing in class.

  • Appropriate dance shoes must be worn at all times. No street shoes are permitted in the rooms.

  • Cell phones and electronic devices are not permitted in class.

  • Water bottles are only permitted in the dance rooms.

  • Please support and respect your fellow dancers and instructors so NJCOD can continue to be a fun, friendly and family atmosphere.




Parents Code of Conduct

  • I will provide NJCOD with current telephone numbers, emails and emergency contact information.

  • I will view the NJCOD website, check emails, my child’s dance bag and ask any questions regarding NJCOD news and updates.

  • I will trust that the staff and teachers at NJCOD have my dancer’s best interest in mind when it comes to their dance education.

  • I will take responsibility for all fees, tuition and costume payment deadlines throughout the year.

  • I will respect the NJCOD facilities as if it were my own home and I will not allow my dancer’s siblings to disrupt classes in session, staff working and/or vandalize the buildings.

  • I will alert NJCOD if there are any significant changes in my dancer’s health, or well being that may affect his/her ability to attend class or perform.

  • I understand I am not permitted to interrupt teachers before, during or after classes.  Any issues should be brought to the front desk who will inform the instructor and/or director.

  • NJCOD reserves the right to refuse service to anyone who does not comply with the above.




Social Media Policy

Please respect the NJCOD brand on all forms of social media.  Do not publish any content that would be damaging to the company, staff, teachers and students. Disparaging comments can result in dismissal of your dancer(s).




Coronavirus/COVID-19 Liability Waiver

   •    I acknowledge the contagious nature of the Coronavirus/COVID-19 and that the CDC and many other public health

        authorities still recommend practicing social distancing.
   •    I further acknowledge that NJCOD has put in place preventative measures to reduce the spread of the

   •   I further acknowledge that NJCOD can not guarantee that I will not become infected with the Coronavirus/Covid-19. I

        understand that the risk of becoming exposed to and/or infected by the Coronavirus/COVID-19 may result from the actions,

        omissions, or negligence of myself and others, including, but not limited to, studio staff, and other studio clients and their

   •    I voluntarily seek services provided by NJCOD and acknowledge that I am increasing my risk to exposure to the

        Coronavirus/COVID-19. I acknowledge that I must comply with all set procedures to reduce the spread while attending

   •    I will notify NJCOD if my dancer or any member of my family has been in contact with anyone that has tested positive for





Liability Waiver

By enrolling in classes at NJCOD I waive any liability against NJCOD on behalf of my dancer for any personal injury or loss of property while participating in any activity or any class offered by the school.  In case of an emergency, illness or injury in which I cannot be present or reached, I authorize NJCOD to seek the necessary medical attention for my dancer.


I give permission for my dancer to be photographed or videotaped while dancing.  I understand that the photographs and video will be used by NJCOD for the purpose of publicizing and promoting NJCOD programs and services and may be included on the studio's website and social media sites.




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